Look what he left on glowing dreams!
Your skill meter... Used... Mind you... USED to be about a 6/10... just about average... a little above.
You've blown my mind with this one... SIR... BLOWN! IT"S LIKE GONE!
If we want to talk how much my mind is blown...
Well... then your old songs would be equilvent to a bb gun to the head... Not much ehh?
This one? This is like a freaking nuke the size of earth being planted right in my head... That much blown.
(Get any of that?) haha.
Yeah. This was really really great man! I'd love to hear more like this from you. Immaculate job!
Ok. OK... I rarely! RARELY! Give out 10's... you should know that from my reviews. I rarely give them out...
This though. This is every bit as deserved...
Sir I bestow upon you... my fifth "10" ever given on a song.
AGHH! This is crazygonuts good.
Downloaded, 10'd, 5'd, fav'd.
All of that and so much more sir!
I'm glad I took the time to come check this song out. INNNCREDIBLE!
Sorry For the non-HQ pic... its raped, i LOVE YOU GUYS!
Lol... there comments are totally random. And I also think you... well you know... 194... =P
Originally I was lublub19... then they banned me from teh newgrounds portal... MEH. Jerks. So... yeah... that's that.
Thanks =D
OMG I AM SOOOOOO SORRY!!!! Lol, i should have double checked!!!!